Friday, March 6, 2015


Finally, we spent two days at CERN, the Center for European Nuclear Research (more or less, the actual name is in French, which I do not know, much to my dismay).  We learned all about quarks and muons and positrons and other various things.

On the first day, we visited two of the experiments at CERN:  ATLAS and the original Syncro-Cyclotron. The presentation at the SC was among the coolest I've ever seen. They projected on the SC itself. It was amazing.

We then went into the wooden globe outside of Reception, whose inside is oddly similar to the inside of the Alain head in Mission to Mars. 

We also visited plenty of other places, like this one:

On the second day, we did two totally amazing things:  we went 93 meters underground to visit CMS,

And we made cloud chambers (which I will hopefully have pictures of soon).

Also, it started snow-hailing.  Switzerland weather, man.

More details on CERN to come as I remember them. It was an information overload.

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