This was our earliest morning to date, having to get up and out of the hotel by 5:30. It was gross and sad. But we did it. We got to take the Eurostar into Paris, which was an interesting experience. Instead of coral reefs and fish, we saw fog and tunnels. Also, the ear popping was horrendous. All in all, utterly anticlimactic.
To waste time on the train, we played cards against humanity. Maebelle beat me. MAEBELLE BEAT ME. Let that sink in. *cough* the card game for terrible people *cough*
When we arrived in Paris, we picked up our tour guide and spun off into the fastest tour of Paris that has ever taken place. We hit every pick stop, including this one:
The Eiffel Tower was originally not supposed to be a permanent fixture. In fact, some people were so opposed to to that they are lunch on the tower. Why? Because anywhere else in the city, he could see it, and they lost their appetite. Zing!
We were able to see many other places as well, like Concord Square (I feel the need for a Les Mis quote), Moulin Rouge, and the place where Marie Antionette lived her final days.
Finally, I'll end with pictures taken while in the roundabout around the Arc de Triomph:
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